As for children, the baby should do exercises sensibly, schoolchildren are quite capable of coping independently.
Toddlers are better to do together with parents, and it is also possible to get frosty and turn the process into a game.
How many times to do gymnastics during the day - there are no strict recommendations. For example, in moments of intense visual loads, when working at the computer, reading, ideally you should take breaks for gymnastics every 40-60 minutes. It is desirable to turn this ritual into a habit.
But do not forget that eye exercises are a preventive measure, and it works only in combination with the necessary means of treatment. Therefore, an annual ophthalmological examination is a must, especially if the child has a hereditary predisposition.
Repeat each exercise 5-30 times, starting with a small one, increase the load gradually. Movements are smooth, without jerks, between exercises it is useful to blink your eyes a little. And don't forget to take off your glasses or contact lenses.
Exercise 1️⃣ SHUTTERS
Blink quickly and easily for 2 minutes. Helps to improve blood circulation.
Exercise 2️⃣ Looking out the window
Make a small ball of plasticine and mould it on the glass. We choose a distant object outside the window, look far away for a few seconds, then transfer our gaze to the ball. Later you can complicate the load - focus on four differently distant objects.
Exercise 3️⃣ BIG EYES
Sit upright. Close your eyes firmly for 5 seconds, then open them wide. Repeat 8-10 times. Strengthens eyelid muscles, improves blood circulation, promotes relaxation of eye muscles.
Exercise 4️⃣ MASSAGE
Press lightly on the upper eyelids with three fingers of each hand, after 1-2 seconds remove your fingers from the eyelids. Repeat 3 times. Improves circulation of intraocular fluid.
Exercise 5️⃣ CONTRAST
Rinse the eyes twice a day, morning and evening. In the morning - first with noticeably hot water (without burning yourself!), then with cold water. Before going to bed, do it in reverse order: rinse with cold water, then hot water.
Close your eyes for a few minutes and imagine something pleasant. If you rub your palms together and cover your eyes with warm palms, crossing your fingers in the middle of your forehead, the effect will be noticeable.
Exercise 7️⃣ BUILD EYES (see the scheme on the photo)
▫️ Look up and down with maximum amplitude.
▫️ Draw a circle clockwise and vice versa.
▫️ Draw diagonals with the eyes.
▫️ Draw rectangles with the eye.
▫️ The gaze follows an arc - convex and concave.
▫️ Draw the eye around a rhombus.
▫️ Draw bows with the eyes.
▫️ Draw the letter S - first horizontally, then vertically.
▫️ Draw vertical arcs with your eyes, first clockwise, then anti-clockwise.
▫️ Move your gaze from one corner to another along the diagonals of the square.
▫️ Bring the pupils to the bridge of the nose as hard as you can, bringing your finger close to the nose.
▫️ Blink your eyelids frequently - like a butterfly flapping its wings.
The following should be remembered when working at the computer:
▪️ After each exercise, you should sit with your eyes closed for a minute.
▪️ Watch the movements - the amplitude should be maximum.
▪️ When constantly working at the computer, take a short break every 40 minutes, at most after an hour.